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By the time I was 19 years old, I had already toured most of the country playing music in diverse venues, fairs, festivals and television, performing with a variety of music and stage acts.  I was performing in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with my buddy Wayne Moore, when some close friends ( Mario and Kaye Digesu) told me about a guy named Skip Heitzig, who was teaching a Bible study that was meeting in the clubhouse of “The Lakes” apartment complex.

Wayne and I were both born again believers and we  knew that the Lord was calling us to serve Him in more practical ways, we just didn’t know exactly how, or where. I thought that it was strange that these guys were meeting in an apartment complex. But I went and checked it out. That Thursday night in Albuquerque, at a little apartment clubhouse, my life was changed forever. The Lord spoke to my heart how much He loved me.  Worship, servanthood and an overwhelming sense that I needed to have a more personal and intimate relationship with God were awakened in me that night.

Skip taught like I had never heard the Bible taught before. It was simple, straight forward, and he went verse by verse. He was teaching the Bible...not from it, but teaching it, line upon line precept upon precept. My heart was set on fire to know more of God and to know Him more intimately. I began to study like never before. I couldn’t put the Bible down. I am still like a sponge.

My Life verse is John 15:5 "I am the vine and you are the branches, He who abides in me  and I in him bears much fruit, for without me, You can do nothing."  For me this sums up the true Christian experience.  It has been my experience that all true blessing,  joy, and peace flows from intimacy  with Jesus Christ and obedience to His written Word.

By the way, if you want to enjoy the teaching ministry that got my attention check out my Pastor, Skip Heitzig, just click on this link to visit his ministry: Calvary of Albuquerque

I also suggest checking out  Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and the teaching ministry of Chuck Smith. Click the link to visit them: http://www3.calvarychapel.com/costamesa/

I am currently supporting and working with Celing and Lorraine Lamar who founded and operate the Faith, Hope, and Love Kids Ranch in Sariaya, Philippines. This is a non-profit Christian orphanage meeting the needs of abused, neglected and abandoned children in the Philippines. It is an awesome place to come and do a short term mission trip. If you are interested in more information about the FHL Kids Ranch click on this link:   FHL Kids Ranch

